10/13/24 - IM BACK

6/10/24 - funy minor fixes

6/3/24 - new page!

5/23/24 - layout changes

5/22/24 - fancy shmancy nav!

4/29/24 - accessibility part 1

4/5/24 - ABOUT and other stuff!

1/26/24 - new stuff!

12/3/23 - tiny fixes

10/21/23 - moving pictures!

10/1/23 - accessibility update

9/23/23 - [broom noises]

9/18/23 - rerunner is so close.

9/12/23 - about time

9/10/23 - fun new thing!

9/8/23 - fun new thing!

8/12/23 - cleaned up comms!

8/10/23 - whoa, an iframe!

8/6/23 - dusting off the shelves

8/1/23 - dance fucker dance

7/30/23 - media query is my enemy

7/27/23 - Minor fixes & blog prettification

7/19/23 - Website overhaul! We are now PURPLE

7/12/23 - Twitter's dead! this place is now home!

6/28/23 - The MHS brainrot manifests yet again

5/1/23- tesh finally makes a blog


3/7/23 - The Hellsinger Brainrot Continues

2/3/23- The Hellsinger Brainrot Begins

12/27/22 - Minor Updates & Words

  • Small page updates- see archive
  • updated CV page to have some words on it. also, fixed some bugs on the Thresh page. Toontown page is up, but looks like ass right now. About has a new funny picture, Gallery has been updated slightly, friends added to about, socials page has been updated.

  • Toontown page is... there?
  • Still workin' out some bugs...
  • 12/5/22 - Progress?

  • Index finished!
  • Toontown page in progress...
  • + other fun pages :]
  • Still workin' out some bugs...
  • 11/17/22 - More big updates

    11/15/22 - THE BIG ONE... 2!

    Known issues:

    11/02/21 - THE BIG ONE

    ok NOW i work on my comms page. Maybe

    10/18/21 - button update

    10/16/21 - tiny tweaks

    planning on making the buttons at the top of this page not so ugly, but CSS is my enemy so itll probably take a while. brain power!

    10/14/21 - the website!! it's aliiiive!!

    theres still a lot to be done, but i was tired of looking at the old ugly placeholder pages :3