i got a job back in april. y'know, in case you haven't noticed the complete drop in content. so many artists make it work!! how the hell do they do it?! i dunno, but my job is extremely physically demanding, has really odd hours (one of those part-time positions that gives you 39.5 hours), and leaves me with little to no energy... which sucks. i wanted to do a ton of artfight stuff, but i had no time. i wanna work on cosplay stuff for dragoncon, i have no time. when i do have days off, im so exhausted that i barely get anything done, or i actually use my days to hang out with friends and game because i dont get to do it often anymore. i started reading umineko, that's immediately on the backburner because im too tired to read more than an hour a night. HELPPPPP

not that i dont enjoy my job, it's actually so much better than all those times i worked register or other things. i just dont like how little time i feel like i have, but maybe im just overwhelmed with the everything going on.

i also finally got medication to help my brain!! which is super neat, and has helped me a lot with maintaining the little energy i do have. it was actually what cleared me up enough to get a job again in the first place.

but now, im at a crossroads. i want to build my art career now that i have a stable brain, but work is in the way. i definitely need to figure out a balance, especially once the con is over. i wanna make art my career more than anything. i love animation, i love making stuff for people... i hope its a possible future for me.

anyway, there's a small update. i got a job!

other cool things:

i went to anthrocon! i was only there for a day to meet some friends, but we had an amazing time. i wish i couldve stayed longer, but things got in the way. if you peek around, you can actually see me in a certain youtuber's most recent video...

and next week, im going to my first legit concert to see one of my all-time favorite bands since childhood- coheed and cambria!! im so FUCKING excited to see them. its kind of a dream come true for me!!

i also started journaling irl, which helps get a bunch of random thoughts out of my head when im feeling overwhelmed. its also really helped get me motivated to do things irl like chores, working on cosplay, digesting bad times at work, stuff like that. its pretty helpful for me :3

still working on animations. patreon and ko-fi have not been updated in a while, and i feel bad about that. i really need to come up with a schedule or something to help balance myself out. i also really need to update the website- i have a lot of ideas i wanna work on, but there's no TIMEEE. one idea i had has to do with adding polls to the homepage, for something fun... so maybe that'll be a thing soon!

last, but most definitely not least- I GOT A SNAIL! at my job, we found a tiny little amber snail and my coworker was gonna throw it away. the mere thought made me wanna cry, so i took him home in a little deli container and immediately ordered a bunch of stuff for him. he has a little enclosure now with nice plants, i keep it at a good temperature and humidity level, etc etc. he's a picky eater, but seems to like bok choy leaves and carrot a lot. his name is arnold, but i call him arnie for short!! he's so cute. and he hates when i wake him up from his incredibly long naps. snails are nocturnal, by the way.

anyway!! there's a lightning-round update. hopefully i remember to make a blog post like once a month, or even once a week if i find the time to write my thoughts down.