CommanderVideo is an empty husk. He is given life, absorbing Beats. He is given some form of life- a soul, perhaps. He is transferring from the ethereal plane to our physical one. He is becoming.


He is clumsy. He falls over. He doesn't know anything yet- movement itself is foreign. Everything is foreign.


We see him forming- his eye(s?), his brain, his body.

He takes a step.

He is born. He is only a man.



The terrifying figures loom over him. Everyone is unfamiliar and imposing, waiting to grab at him if he dares even breathe. The world is only seconds old to him, and it is frightening.


Everything is hard when everything is new. Learning and growing takes a toll. He is tired, but others are there for him. His family. He is supported by their actions... and it's uplifting.


Autonomy. Improvement. Control. He is older, better, and ready to take things on his own. His family is still there to offer support, but he is ready.

Consequences. Awareness, or lack thereof.

He is not alone.



He is bold... to a fault. Bragging, patronizing, better. He is the best.


But there is always someone better. CommanderVideo is shown the same behavior he has inflicted unto others. He feels small, he feels weak, and he feels alone.


He shows vulernability. He apologizes. He offers a solution, and is shown forgiveness.

Community. Strength. He learns what it is to build relationships, to rely on others and to show love and kindness.

He is ready.



A new adventure awaits, with new enemies and obstacles. He succeeds, and keeps running.


The world does not work the way he thought it did before. He is still learning and growing. He is exploring still.


A better grasp. Familiarity. He makes friends, and he understands the world in a way that is comfortable now.

He is taunted. A new foe, one that is resistant to his kindness and positivity, now provokes him with words he hasn't heard before. Words that hurt.

You are not a man.



He tries to reason with the Timbletot. He's shown resistance, and his words mean nothing to an unfeeling machine. The only thing he can do is keep trying as it throws more hurdles at him.


Mingrawn Timbletot is no longer just hurtful, but violent. CommanderVideo has had enough. Instead of his usual demeanor, he is angry. He shows little mercy. He has never been challenged in this way, and he is lashing out.


In a fit of rage, CommanderVideo throws himself at his enemy. This impulsive action destroys the Timbletot... and CV is killed as well.

CommandgirlVideo, one of his closest friends comes looking for him. She sees the aftermath of the fight. She cries, mourning the loss of her friend.

His body is changed. His colors are different. It is his soul, once again.



The world distressed and unfamiliar. The memories of his friends enter, only to drift away as he desperately tries to keep them intact. They are the first thing he loses.


Symbols appear. They, too, are unfamiliar. He touches each one, but he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand anything.


The symbols mean something to him. They are a deep, deep part of him that he can't quite remember. Everything is calmer now. His name fades from memory, but the colors of his rainbow circle him. He doesn't remember why he loves these symbols, but he does.

Because they are him.

A final journey plays out. It continues endlessly, until you let go.

He fades away.



At least, more games. CV did, in fact, tragically die in Fate and Flux. But there's still Runner2 and Runner3! These are spinoffs of the BIT.TRIP series that have a much more lighthearted energy. Runner2 is one of my favorite games of all time, with a near-perfect soundtrack, memorable levels and cutscenes that had me giggling. i'll update this page another time to talk about these two games. take care!