
Note: These characters are all from Metal: Hellsinger, and their designs have been heavily changed for the comic.



Pazelius, usually just shortened to Paz, is an Archangel that works closely with the All. He's not particularly fond of his job, but it's what he was made to do, so he hasn't questioned it... 'til recently.



The Red Judge, back when she was an Archangel. She used to be known as ███████, but has since forgotten her name. She's noticed things changing, and plans on taking things into her own hands... even if it means big sacrifices.


The All

No one knows much about the All, with it being... Everything. Paz is rightfully intimidated by it, and ███████ isn't quite happy with the way it runs things.


The Unknown

Before being cast down to Hell, the Unknown was just a lost soul under the care of the Archangel ███████. She's timid, but something about her aura has intrigued the Archangels... and the All itself.